Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Glop for dinner

Cooking is fun. And I do enjoy it. I know that I will never be a chef. What I mean is that I don't make meals that people would rave over. Sure they are tasty enough, interesting enough, but exciting, innovative? Nope, not so much. The food I make is fodder, decent fodder, but fodder nonetheless. Like the food I made last night - I baked some chicken, reheated some broccoli and made some rice glop out of fresh cooked rice (love my rice cooker) some cut up veggies and a few splashes of soy sauce.

My brain is full of stuff and I hope to empty it out here in the blog. Lucky you!

One issue is, of course, my mom. I try to deal with mom as if she were healthy, when I know she isn't. I don't know how much to do for her, and how much to let her do on her own. I don't understand the disease, though I guess that is where we and the scientific community are currently. Sometimes she acts like she can function normally, and other times she acts like there is little that she can do on her own or like no one is there in her head. As for the physical stuff, that has been an ongoing battle for as long as I can remember. She acts like she is feeble, and in some ways she is. In others she is hale and hearty. Sigh city!

Another issue is my game, Flippety. I am very proud of it and what I have accomplished. That being said, I am not as close to publishing it as I would like to be. I have one major issue, which I am working on, to solve. And even then, although I am proud of it and think it is fun, I know it is majorly flawed. And I fear (not a word I like) that it will do as well as so many of my other projects have. Which is to say, that the four people who get copies will say nice things and that will be about it.

Last issue for the time being - my oft iterated keening about the lack of companionship I have in my life. I know that it will happen when it happens. But that is only a mild analgesic for my migraine. Ok, migraine might be an exaggeration. I also know that the chances for me to meet a potential partner are 1 in 1000, so I keep struggling or straggling forward.

On OK Cupid, there are woman of interest - which comes in four different flavors:

Almost Interested - women I write to who appear for one reason or another and I write to them because they are there - I have expectations or even strong desire that they will right back or that we will ever meet or become friends or get into a relationship. For instance - a woman in England wearing a minni mouse outfit - sure she was appealing - but she lives in England and put "near me" as a requirement. Interestingly, she actually responded with a thank you note.

Somewhat Interested - women who appear and I think they appeal - I don't know if we fit or not. If they write back I am surprised - they almost never write back

Very Interested - people who appear who appeal and who I mostly fit their scribed criteria - if they write back, I am really surprised and pleased. So far, only one has - and she wrote - if I dated long haired freaks, I still wouldn't date you. Nice.

Crushed - people who appear on the list and I don't care whether or not I fit any of their criteria - well, of course I do - I hope that I fit all of their criteria and hope that they will see me and my profile and rush to write back in mere seconds from when I send them a message. Ha. Haha. Hahahahaha! Haha. Ha. Did I mention ha? Waiting for any kind of response is torture for about a day and then I let them go. Mostly.

Enough about that.

I know that there are probably some teetotalers who read this blog. Or maybe not. In any case, when I was growing up, like some kids, I experimented with alcohol - sometimes using the alcohol of my parents liquor cabinet. In my effort to clean my mom's house out of stuff, I am working through her liquor legacy - some bottles dating back to the 50s, I am sure. The other night I decided to try the Aquavit - only to discover that someone had added a lot of water to the bottle. I am thinking it was either me or my brother...very funny. At least I was amused.

Our super nutritious lunch


Unknown said...

.Sigh... I wonder where I fall in the numericals... or is there a category you forgot... she wrote, I wrote, but that's it. I still find you fascinating, adorable (OK, hunky), but I know the distance thing is a problem. But it's only about 5 hours each way...

Unknown said...

.Pooooo... got cut off before I finished...

Sometimes, even a kind written word is better than no words at all. A long distance friendship can also be better than a love life lacking.

Augustus said...

Sorry, didn't see these for a long time! 5 hours isn't forever! :)