Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Late Start

I am getting into a night owl sort of pattern - not having to get up for class or anything helps with that. I have always felt like a night owl, though. Not that I mind the morning - if I get to bed by 9 or 10, I don't mind being up at 5 or 6. There are good things about the morning. But there are also good things about late at night too. And that is more of the schedule that mom keeps, so it makes sense to slip into it somewhat. I have always wondered what my sleep/wake pattern would be without any strictures - like those tests they have done where people are in a twilight sort of light all the time and didn't have clocks so they just started to sleep and wake when their bodies suggested it.

Lately I have been watching a lot of Misfits - the UK response to Heroes. Fun stuff. And catching up on whatever else I feel like catching up on. And not being very productive. Yippee!

Oh, there is another writing blog post up.

Didn't do a lot yesterday. I did make tacos for dinner - which meant a little trip to Wegman's. Yippee! And I finished the first quarter of my letter writing campaign. Yay! And I decided that I was going to stop playing GoT - Garden of Time. The people who make it haven't fixed it in a while. And it is seemingly infinite which may appeal to some, but I do like to finish some things, sometimes. And I hate begging for stuff from my friends - the game requires one to either spend money - which I am loathe to do - or to beg one's friends to give them things. I am sure any of you on Facebook have seen the posts - I need a widget so that I can have this other widget. Sure it makes the game "social" but not in a pleasant way.

Did anyone watch the State of the Onion, er, Union last night? We did. Inspired me to work on my campaign...

Yay tacos!

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