Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finished Reading A Book

I know! Aren't you all proud of me?! Reading for me comes and goes in waves. And recently, for the past 50 years, I haven't felt like reading. Wait, what? No, not 50 years. 5 months maybe. Time, stop playing your mind games with me! In any case, I just finished reading a book about Wild Bill Hickock. I think I must watch Deadwood now. I saw a few episodes back when it was playing on HBO but I didn't see the whole series. Yay Netflix! If only it were online and not just on discs. How do they choose which ones to put online? Sigh. So, after a couple of weeks, I finally finished the book. Just to put it in perspective, though. There are weeks when I will read several books. Yay reading!

Wow, where did Monday go? Getting up at noon is not conducive, for me at least, to me feeling like I have had a complete day! But I guess I did. I didn't do much of anything, certainly didn't accomplish the little tasks that I needed to accomplish. Maybe I will get to some of them today. I didn't even venture outside, which I would like to do today.

Gotta take down the Christmas Tree. Part of me wants to keep it up and in the house until Spring when I can plant it. (No, it is not an artificial tree...)

I think I have pretty much given up the idea of going to each of the Saucers for a week to try and sell copies of Diary of a Plate Addict. If it were just me, I would do it in a heartbeat. I just can't face dragging my mom through that. Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? My current plan is to hit as many of them as I can on the trip to the West Coast. That is another concern for me. Whether to take the trip out there slowly and then zip back. Or Zip out there and take the trip back slowly. I think the latter makes more sense. Part of the problem is not knowing if anyone out there will put us both up. I wrote to my nephew Sam, several times, and he has not responded. Sure, he is busy with his life and such, but still...

Ok, going to check my snail mail and hope for responses from my two correspondents. Doubtful, but hopeful! :)


Lewis said...

How rude of Sam I will have to take him to task!

Augustus said...

Please do. I am feeling rejected and unloved by my eldest nephew! :)