Saturday, January 28, 2012

Took a plunge

Just a little one - one of the projects that I am thinking of working on is an app for the iPhone and iPad. So I ordered a couple of books on app creation. It has been a long time since I did any programming, so this ought to be interesting. :)

When I went to the grocery store yesterday, I observed an interesting and pointless behavior in myself. If I happen to see a woman who is attractive to me, and looks to be older than say 25, I immediately look to see if they are wearing a wedding or engagement ring. How silly is that? Not that I am likely to actually talk with them in the first place. But really? In this day and age, looking for a ring? Not every female who is in a relationship wears a ring. And not wearing a ring doesn't mean that they aren't in a relationship. Sigh.

Nothing too exciting happened yesterday. And this weekend does not look to be chock full of entertainment. Just the usual. Maybe a little reading, maybe a little writing. Some cooking. Some eating. Oh, mom and I did finish the second disk of the John Adams mini-series. One more to go. Next after that, I don't know. We do have the NY series - though it was awfully dry. I might just put that off until, well, forever. We could watch Deadwood and Rome and maybe catch up on Mad Men. We shall see. So much media, so little time. I am watching the third season of Misfits - I miss Nathan though Rory is slowly growing on me.

Oh, I found the charger for the camera batteries! Yippee! I love finding things that I misplaced. Yay!

Looks like a big person's meal - salmon, rice and green beans!


JimG said...

Looking for a ring is like looking for information out in the "ether". If it doesn't exist we create it. Possibly, we create it to occupy our minds in the story that we are telling ourselves about that person.

Augustus said...

Sounds about right, Jim! :)

Anonymous said...

Women do that all the time! First thing a friend will mention .."Oh, he's wearing a ring." I guess it is human nature.

Augustus said...

See, Anonymous, I am not alone - or crazy! :)