Sunday, January 29, 2012

Found it!

And I had written it off as lost and gone forever! How exciting is that? I speak of the second iPhone/iPad charger thingie. Turns out it was plugged in next to the sofa all along. Sigh. Well, that is good news. Now I know where I can always charge up the iPad. Yay. Life is good. Sweet even!

I decided to take us on a day out yesterday. Well, not a full day, but a partial day out. Maybe every Saturday will be mom's day out. We shall see. Anyway, we went to see a movie: The Descendants. Not sure why it was really called that since the movie was mostly about the main character coming to terms with his wife's impending death. Whatever. It was still, overall, an enjoyable movie. Not one that needs to be seen on the big screen - except for a couple of beautiful vistas we see a couple of times. I definitely recommend it!

After that, we went to Ling Ling. I do fear that mom is slipping a bit. When I mentioned the Chinese Buffet restaurant, she didn't remember what that was and where it was and what its name was. Scared me. Oh, in the movie, there is a woman with Alzheimer's. That was a bit on the scary side. Moving on, we went to Ling Ling after the movie - and it was packed! Note to self - do not go to Ling Ling on the weekends! It is crazy busy and really stressful. Especially going with mom. I let her fill her own container - and I think she did really well. I over filled the soup containers, again. Sigh. We get enough food for three meals or so. Maybe two if I am really hungry. So left overs for lunch tonight. And I was already planning left overs for dinner tonight!

Managed to do a little clean-out of a cabinet in the kitchen. I didn't find anything very interesting in there. I am looking for some pans. I think I need to throw some of our older pans out - too rusty and glunky to be happy.

Posted another writing blog post. Yippee!

Movie Poster

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