Monday, January 30, 2012


Yay snow! We had a decent heavy snowfall for a little while last night. It didn't end up being much accumulation. And it is supposed to get into the high 40s tomorrow. But still, it was pleasant to watch. Yay snow!

I am thinking of starting a third blog. One that will focus on politics. If I am to run for President one day (2024) then I think I need a body of writing that talks to that. We shall see. Part of my inspiration for the series was a communication that happened on Daily Challenge. A woman and I became connected. On one of her posts, I saw a picture of someone standing with two Ron Paul posters. I wrote her and said "I am guessing you are a Ron Paul fan! Yippee!" And away she went. She is an avid fan of his. Good for her. As I said in my last message to her, "I am happy you are passionate about him."

Fairly quiet weekend all told. We did go to see a movie on Saturday. Sunday not a whole lot happened. I played a bit, wrote a bit and tossed leftovers together for a couple of meals. Gee, way to really embrace the world, Augustus! No big plans for today. I do plan on taking a walk later. And probably going food shopping. Maybe even to, ick, Wal-Mart. Or the dollar store. Or both. Oh, and I really need to juice the apples that we got for mom. She ate one I think. It is probably my fault for not a) feeding them to her and b) not putting them in a more prominent place in the kitchen so that she would see them. Though she isn't in the kitchen all that much lately. Maybe a fruit bowl on the coffee table? There's a thought...

I am not a photographer. Just saying...

Snow falling

Branch o' snow


terri said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. Relaxation!

Augustus said...

It was, Terri! I just need some excitement, some change, hopefully fun nice, stuff...

naturegirl said...

I can see it now.. Augustus in 2024... I would like to partake in campaigning.. just saying. There is much to think about.. energy, technology, world peace.. are you ready? A third blog would be an appropriate course of action... thoughts in writing for 2024!!!

First, I would write the app for the would a cool president with technology in your hand.. or pad.. :))

BTW .. Love the snow pictures..


Augustus said...

Thank you Brigitte! I ought to be getting the books sometime soon and then I can get started. Yippee!

And I will probably start that blog next month!

Happy Monday/Tuesday!