Friday, January 27, 2012

Tastes Like Chicken

What I really meant to say was, it feels like Saturday! But Tastes Like Chicken - that would be a good name for a rock band, don't you think. Maybe it already is. Yup, just googled it and sure enough, already a band name. Yay!

Yippee for Leaf Kitchen! After a day of moderate activity - did a few FB letters and puttered around a bit - I cooked dinner - pasta, broccoli and garlic toast - I headed to Thursday Night Fun Night at Leaf Kitchen. It was pretty humorous: I got there and about five minutes later, everyone at the bar left. Tatiana said that it wasn't me. Phew! She and I had our picture taken by Emily for my collection of Photos with Facebook Friends! (Goodness, I love alliteration). Thank you Emily! (And good luck at your interview on Monday!) (Somehow, I neglected to get a picture of Emily - this will have to be rectified!) We were then graced with a trio of Dan's! Dans Dans everywhere! :) And then a gaggle of other people came in - of whom I only met one - Christian, by name I think. Glarg. I ought to pay more attention when meeting people...Oh, and forgot to pick up mom's hat. I also had three beers - two from Middle Ages in Syracuse - still underwhelming beer -  and a decent pilsner from Slyfox (from Pennsylvania somewhere).

I am sure I am not alone in not liking to misplace things. The current missing item is the battery charger for mom's camera. It could be anywhere. Sadly, this means that I will have to take at least a swipe at neatening my room today. Poop!

When writing to my friend Jeff, I had an epiphany-let. I was hoping that the Alzheimer's seminar would inform me as to how the transition occurs between the stages - is it sudden-ish and dramatic, or is it slow and mushy.

My house in Clayton is having problems and living here I can't really do much about it. There were electrical problems, which required Progress Energy to replace a cable to the house - not sure if that is done yet. Now they are having more well problems. Sigh. I am tempted to put the house on city water - except that would require an outlay of $2000. Sigh again. Sure would be simpler. The sad thing is, that I didn't have any problems with the well for the first 7 years I lived there. And now that I am not living there, they are having problems galore. Sigh number three. Frustrating. And costly. Crap! I really wouldn't mind selling that house, except I don't think it would sell very quickly. And I don't think Cate wants to buy the house...

No exciting weekend plans for me? Anyone?

The Dans and, er, another guy whose name escapes me.

Tatiana and me

Dinner! And my hand...

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