Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hump Day

I think I wrote a diatribe about this before. Oh well, don't know where. So, anyway, I think it is a rude thing to say to someone who is not in a relationship. Oh, wait, it isn't about sex?  It's about being at the "hump" in the week so that the rest of the week is downhill? Ok, still don't like the phrase.

Today is beer day at the Beef and Brew! And I decided what to cook last night in a bit of pre-sleep meditation. It is going to be quiche day again! I am so excited. Quiche is easy and tasty. Sorry my vegan and vegetarian friends. I am looking forward to quiching!

Mom wants me to try out for Jeopardy. I don't think that knowing one in five answers is really good enough to do so - and I would audition for Wheel of Fortune again, but that show is so filled with luck that it just doesn't appeal to me as much. Sigh.

Today, I plan on writing some letters -  you can read about it on my other blog - writing and such.

And today is the State of the State Address. Mom is really looking forward to it. So much so, in fact, that we spent two hours yesterday trying to find it on television - only to realize that it was happening today. Sigh again.

I have forbidden mom to make coffee in her coffee maker. Yesterday she, again, forgot to put the carafe back into the machine, making yet another mess. Yes, I did not cry. But I don't want to have to keep cleaning this particular mess up. Since I have been here, she has done this at least four times. Four times in 8 months isn't that bad, right? But bad enough.

Although I took a picture yesterday, now that I am not mandated (by me) to post a take and post a picture every day, I am not going to. Ha!

Have a happy January 4, everyone!


Sam said...

maybe try putting the coffee maker in a deepish tray?

Lisa H. said...

Isn't every day Beer Day at the Beef and Brew? Or maybe they're brewing coffee, not beer?

Augustus said...

That's a good thought Sam. I was thinking of going high tech and getting one of those new fangled single cup coffee makers...

Augustus said...

Excellent point, Lisa! They do in fact serve beer everyday. I just don't go there to drink it every day. I believe in moderation in all things (including moderation). So it is beer for me day, at Beef and Brew! :)