Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fleeting Fancies...

Or not so fleeting fancies as the cases may be. There are some of those in my life just now - all very different and none that can be written about more than to say that they are all also probably inappropriate crushes. Sigh.

So, today we are going to the opera. We haven't been in a while. This is Live on HD opera. Not nearly as good as being there in person, but mom enjoys them, and that makes the trip worthwhile. It is off to Rochester that we go. By Thruway since we had some snow last night. General rule of thumb when driving in winter - the bigger the road, the more well cleared and dryer it will be faster. Mom is a nervous nellie anyway, so I figure anything I can do to alleviate her fears is good.

Oh, I forgot to talk about the lovely time that I had at Leaf Kitchen last Thursday. It was just plain fun. I got there and sat next to a slightly crazy woman for a little while. My favorite was when she said don't talk to me and proceeded to talk to me for the next half hour. Yay. I love crazy people! Next, I remet Jason, a nice guy with whom I chatted a while back. Like mom, I am caught off guard when someone remembers me. Happily caught off guard, but still. He brought his lovely fiancée Sara(h) with him. I forgot to ask whether she was "h-less" or not. Oh well. Daniel showed up and a few people played Euchre - the only evidence of game night that occurred while I was there. Lastly there was a new bartender, Emily, about whom I learned quite a bit in a short time. She will eventually be graduating college (double major). So, yay. Oh, and I had great beer! I had a tasty amber from Great Lakes. And I had two Dogfish Head beers - Indian Brown and 90 IPA. Love the 90 minute IPA!

Ernst, my brother, sent me on an errand yesterday, to take a picture of a house that his dental hygienist had resided in while living in Geneva. That was fun. I got my exercise in, though, walking there and back! Any other excitement yesterday that I can think of? Nope. Maybe something will come to me later.

Ah, something else. One of my readers, Anonymous (hey, if you want to send me a direct email - - , perhaps we could talk in more depth about our similar mom situations) brought up a good point in her comment on a post recently - that I needed to think about when mom could no longer navigate the stairs. I did. I realized that we have had at least two semi-invalids live in this house before - maybe three - and that they all lived on the second floor quite easily. The only reason I could see them needing to go downstairs was to go to doctor's appointments - and after awhile, those become sort of moot as well.

Yay Leaf Kitchen!

I am not shoveling this!

The house the hygienist lived in

Yummy and healthy snack!

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