Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To Yoga or not to yoga

That is my question for the day. I don't have my yoga mat here - I somehow left it in Clayton - mistakenly thinking (I remember the thought process) that since there are rugs in the Geneva house, I didn't need my mat. And that is true, since I do my yoga in my room on my blue rug, I haven't found the need for my mat. (Ok, I keep looking around, hoping that I brought it anyway - I wrote my housemate to see if it was still down in Clayton, but she has yet to respond - I think I will write her son - he may actually respond...) Then, a yoga class appeared on the horizon. I am not much of a yoga class sort of person. Over the years (33 of them) that I have been doing yoga, I have taken maybe 10 classes (not including the trimester back in High School). I haven't really counted. Hmm. Suffice it to say that most of my yoga time has been self directed. And helped along with the Richard Hittleman books. So taking a yoga class is always a bit of a tough choice for me. We shall see how I feel as the day progresses and we get closer to 6 pm.

My minor epiphany last night was that I started doing yoga when I was 17. For the longest time (up until last night in fact) I always felt that I had started when I was eighteen. It was my winter trimester sport while at Andover. I wonder who else was in that class. Hmm. Anyway, my birthday is April 8 (Buying a copy of my books for yourself would be a great birthday present for me, by the way) so I was 17 when I was taking the class. Ok, I was excited by that epiphany.

I miss adult companionship. Not that my mom isn't an adult. But she is not in a mental state to be good company. I had some for a while, on a somewhat regular basis, but that seems to have disappeared. Game night is great, and helps. And going out to the Beef and Brew and other places, all fine and good. It just doesn't quite suffice. Don't get me wrong, I love myself and enjoy spending time with me, but...And by adult companionship, I don't mean sex, for any of you with your thinking skewed in that direction. Just some conversation that is not repetitive. Not too much to ask for, is it?

Ok, gotta get cranking - I have given myself until 12:30 to write at least two new FB Friend letters.

Oh, there is a new writing blog post...

The giant chick that Mom got for Christmas from Joe and Ginger!

Mom in a new red blouse from Juliet!

Dinner such as it was - salad, home made chips, and chicken wings


Anonymous said...

Plus the fact that yoga classes are made up of mostly women never hurts.

Augustus said...

Very true - this class was four women and me - more on it tomorrow...