Monday, January 23, 2012

Yay Monday!

It is another Monday! I like Mondays. Fresh starts! And I need to get myself restarted as I have felt very unproductive the last week or so. I haven't written many letters on my FB project. My blogs have been like pulling teeth (this one included). (I don't know how other daily bloggers do it - goodness gracious.) I am behind on my errands. My cooking has been lackluster...

Sunday was pleasant enough - I was feeling a little anti-social and didn't venture out the door. Not even to game night!

I did watch some television - Downton Abbey - still enjoyable - Sherlock - can't wait for the next season - and Misfits - I am on the second season on Hulu now. Yay!

Ok, enough dawdling. Time to think about lunch and then laundry! Raise the roof!


naturegirl said...

woo woo for roof raising!!!! oh Augustus, we are entitled to a down day or two.. and being anti-social.. but let's turn your frown upside down and smile.. new day tomorrow!!! Do something new, be adventurous....
Try cooking something new!..BTW did you try my recipe yet?

Hugs, my dear amigo!!

Augustus said...

No frown here, just an observation. Every day is new! Yippee! Nope, I haven't tried your recipe yet...