Sunday, January 15, 2012

Indolence and Lassitude

Can Indolence and Lassitude be catching? I think they can be. I don't know what to do about them, though. My mom has both and I don't know whether to do more to try to get her out of that zone, or to leave her alone, since she is 80 and not totally healthy. My thought is that she has been productive her whole life - and if she doesn't want to be productive now, who am I to try and make her be productive? Yet, at times, I find it rubbing off on me.

Not in a major way. I mean I do get my blog done everyday - I know, mixed blessing, right? And I have been percolating along on my letter writing campaign. More than 20% completed! Next milestone, 25% - 1/4 of the way! That will be awesome - ought to be tomorrow. At that point, I plan on writing a FB post to the people I have written to who have not yet written back. Maybe some of them will defriend me! That would be awesome! That would, selfishly, save me from defriending them!

Am I weird for not wanting friends who are non-communicative? And by that I don't just mean non-communicative on Facebook. Let's face it, (oops, there's the face word), FB makes it easy to be a part of people's lives if they are making an effort to put themselves out there. If it weren't for FB, how do we participate in each other's lives? By being there physically - by talking on the phone - texting (there's a winner for communication) - sending letters or emails and that is about it. Some of our friends we just can't be there physically for very often due to time/space/money constraints. I personally am not a big phone caller. I will talk on the phone, and sometimes I find it enjoyable, both rarely. I do enjoy email. FB email is not optimal, but it is better than nothing.

Now I know that FB isn't just for friends anymore. It is for fun - so I do have some friends who I just know from playing Gardens of Time. That doesn't mean that I don't want to meet them or know them better. And there are business pages and celebrity pages and all that sort of mischegas. I know that some people have multiple Facebook profiles, but that just seems like too much effort to me...

I am listening to book 9 of the Wheel of Time series. I couldn't find a copy for less than $124 on Amazon, so I had to buy it on iTunes. Listening to it on my computer isn't optimal, but it is a lot better than nothing!

Dinner was pasta - I love having a tub of alfredo sauce in the fridge - makes it so easy to whip up some pasta! Yum!

Yay Audio Books!

Barely visible pasta...


Jules said...

I think I finally made it here to your blog! Took me long enough to get it figure out!!! I am learning! Enjoying what I am reading here! And the photos are wishing I had a midnight snack!

Augustus said...

Welcome! Happy to have you! :)