Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unintentional Stalking

It was an unseasonably warm day here in Geneva yesterday. I think it got up to 55 degrees. Definitely a day for some outdoors perambulation. My plan was to go to the college library and wander wherever my feet took me. As I was heading there, Emily, my current favorite bartender, caught me unintentionally stalking her! :) I walked her all the way to her dorm - up the hill! It was a great day to be out and about and walking with Emily gave me an excuse to walk more than I had originally planned. It really is more fun walking with someone than walking alone - though I do enjoy walking alone quite a bit.

I also went to the grocery store to buy, er, groceries. I got some skirt steak. Yum! And some artichokes. Double yum. Dinner was sauteed spinach, beef with onions and mushrooms, steamed artichokes with butter and twice baked potatoes. Yay! Everything turned out well.

Oh, I went to Wal-Mart looking for cotton for mom - she likes it in a box - old school - which I couldn't find, and kitchen garbage bags, which I did find! Yay! Still not a particularly attractive Wal-Mart. :(

Sadly, I have started playing Fallout 3 on the xBox. Yes, it is an older game, but it is a good RPG. And engrossing. Sigh. Well, as long as I get other things done, I don't begrudge myself playing time! Like letters. I got three FB letters done yesterday. So in January, 30 percent done! Yippee! Only 70 percent to go!

Art photo...
See! Almost fifty degrees! On January 31, 2012! Eeek!

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