Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wow, what a let down

Luckily, I am not one to let a let down keep me down. After being spoiled by the computer book I was working on - the second book, not the first, this current book was a fairly severe disappointment. Oh well. I have written quite a diatribe about in on my writing blog. Suffice it to say here that it will probably get resold if I can figure out how to do that easily on Amazon. I don't know if there are a lot of hoops to jump through for that. Anyone have any experiences that they would like to share?

It was a snow day yesterday. I like having enough supplies on hand that I don't have to go out if the weather is inclement. The winds were howling and the snow was blowing. The streets got plowed and then the wind swept snow right back onto them. Driving out there (or being out there at all) did not look particularly pleasant. I hope that wherever you are reading this you are having more pleasant weather! Well, today looks sunny and cool. And Monday it is supposed to be in the mid to high forties! Yippee! Melt snow, melt! Bahahahahaha! :)

Hot dogs and baked beans and a little bit of spinach was dinner last night. Tonight, probably breakfast for dinner. We shall see.

Wow, really sleepy. I got up way too early today and have been struggling with the computer - mainly because my brain is fuzzy. Sigh. Maybe it is time for a nap!


naturegirl said...

Hope Nappy was Happy and you are enjoying this beautiful sunday. I too could use a nap, but I don't think that will happen.. I was up between 2 and 5 again and up by 9:00 don't know what is up with that.

Here in Delaware it is sunny, wee bit chilly but not to terribly cold.

Sorry to read about the disappointments in your current reading.. but it is part of the journey to your app project :) Not all reads are good reads!!!

Enjoy the rest of your sunday :)

Augustus said...

Hope you get your nap in - my first was good - looking forward to another brief one in a bit! :)