Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Getting there

Ah, but where are we getting? That is the question. This particular "there" is the end of the Objective-C for Absolute Beginners book. Not only am I close to finishing reading/working through it, but I am almost fed up with it as well. I did find a place to download the source code from the Apress website. Only to discover that their source for the project I was working on also wouldn't compile and run. What kind of crap is that? So, I am almost done with the silly book.  Another beginner's book but not as basic as this one was supposed to be...I need a lot more screen captures in a beginner's book - and a lot of things like - hey, if this didn't work, these are the most common causes - sort of text. Oh well. At least there was a book. I must say, though, that I did learn a good bit from it and I think it has given me the foundation to move on to a second book about iOS programming.I wonder how much I could get for it on Amazon...

Yay! I made tahini and hummus! I love hummus. Not that I would marry it, since I am already engaged to an artichoke. But still, it is yummy stuff. And expensive in the grocery store - $7 a pound or something like that. I made half a pound of the stuff for a little bit more than a $1 and about five minutes of my time. I can definitely see this as something that I play with to get right - like my coleslaw (which still doesn't have a finalized recipe). I hope the tahini will keep for a while - I made half the recommended amount and that is still a lot. Maybe I can find other dishes to put tahini in. I do like sesame seeds...

Oh, and I went Valentine's Day shopping for mom. Yippee. Not exciting, but I hope it is the thought that counts.

Most of the ingredients for tahini and hummus

finished products

quesadillas, rice and refried beans for dinner

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