Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Everyone is motivated by something, I guess, so I just need to figure out what motivates me. It isn't the sun. It isn't sex. It isn't money. It isn't food. Sunshine: nope. Happiness: no, happiness is a choice. Love: don't think so. Great, I know lots of things that aren't major motivators for me. Don't get me wrong - all of those things appeal, they just aren't strong motivators for me. Someone couldn't try to get me to do something by providing to provide any of those things. So what is it that motivates me? Maybe fun? Not major adrenaline rush fun, just fun. Learning, problem solving. Hmm. I will keep thinking on this.

We had a mixed day yesterday day here. Mom got up and seemed as chipper as can be expected on a day where we went to see the Doctor. She had written some notes, and left them on the dresser in the front hall. Luckily, I had forgotten to put pens in my pocket - I hate being without a writing implement if I can help it - and I noticed them sitting there. Yippee! Got to the doctor's early and there was hardly anyone in the waiting room. Mom was already getting all excited about being able to complain about how long we had to wait. Maybe 30 seconds after she had sat down, a nurse came and called her name! A new to us nurse. And apparently, after getting her LN she went back and got her RN and this new to her job! She was very pleasant, listened to everything we both had to say and was very efficient in taking mom's blood pressure. It is interesting that blood pressure is now frequently taken with the cuff over clothing. When did that start to be the norm? Again, we didn't have to wait for long before Dr. Ryan appeared. He also listened to everything mom had to complain about. He recommended another eye doctor for us. And suggested that we go see and Ear Nose and Throat doctor about mom's constant snot issue - and her itchy ears. And he gave her a prescription cream to put on her spots. Yay! All in all a very effective visit, I must say.

Mom, though, started to feel nauseous for some reason. Perhaps it was the yummy chicken salad that I had fed her for lunch. Or just her being less accustomed to being up and out and about. She has thrown up a couple of times when we were out. I gave her my car wastebasket - that had a plastic bag for a liner - being the clever bunny I am - sadly, the bag had a hole in it. Oh well. Still better than nothing! After that, we went home, of course. Today, no chicken salad for lunch - I think a nice muffin with some jarlsberg will have to suffice. Or, perhaps some pecan danish!

Look what a kind person (probably a student) left in the yard: $.05!


lisa said...

I bet it was your Mom's! I heard she went out partying with those HWS frat boyz last night. They were drinkin' Gin and Mountain Dew all night long. (Probably the reason she was so nauseous. She just blamed it on your chicken salad) lol...

Augustus said...

No doubt, Lisa! :)

Anonymous said...

It seems to me, what motivates you Augustus, is blogging, writing, and connecting with people. An observation from afar.

Augustus said...

Hmm, that might be it, a desire to connect...thank you for the observation, Anonymous!