Sunday, February 12, 2012

More Snow!

How exciting is that? Still not a six foot blizzard, but better than nothing. Am I hallucinating, or did Geneva, NY used to have a real winter - one that started with snow in October and ended with snow in early April? With the ground mostly covered with the lovely white stuff for most of that period? Maybe those are just childhood fancies and imaginations. Whatever, they are my imaginings! :) I think we are supposed to get back into the 40s later in the week. Sigh.

Well, I got an interesting comment on one of my posts. The Social Media, er, Person (I can't remember her title and I am too lazy to look just now) must have come across one of my posts where I mention Daily Challenge. And she posted a comment! Yay! So, next step, people - actually meeting one or more of my Daily Challenge Connections! It will happen!

I got stuck in the iPhone programming book. The program that they asked me to make doesn't work as expected and I can't see how to fix it. So I am taking another approach - I am going to do some of the Apple tutorials and see if they can give me enough information to fix what is broken in the other project. I have read some of the first tutorial and have already learned a lot. Yay learning! Ok, finished the first tutorial, about to do the second. Yippee! Then, back to the other book. I can hardly wait!!

Watched three more episodes of Rome last night. I don't know where I saw it before, but somehow I have seen bits of all of these episodes. I have never subscribed to HBO, so it must have been while I was traveling at some point, watching them on hotel televisions. Weird.

Pine needles all gone! :)

Pretty winter from my bedroom window


naturegirl said...

I so love the white stuff..however a bit further south of you in Delaware, our white stuff is just a covering. Today, I am making chocolate covered strawberries for the boys and their Girl- friends, shrimp scampi with angel hair pasta in a garlicy white sauce... Going to try and get more reading done as well as fold a ton of clothes.

Do tell of your thoughts on Rome..
Have you seen Spartacus yet? Interesting to hear your thoughts. This is one of my favorite historical time periods.

What's this visiting your DC connections.. hmmmm book trip in the making .. not bad.. perhaps on one of your trips we could meet for a brew or two.. :)

Augustus said...

How did the food turn out? I am enjoying Rome so far - thinking that I would love to see a series that was about Egypt - a time I am more interested in despite my name... Haven't seen Spartacus - maybe one day. Yup, I would love to meet as many of my DC connections as possible. You are definitely on the list, B!