Friday, February 3, 2012

Daily Challenges

Every day, little challenges appear and either get handled or ignored, hoping that they will just go away. And sometimes, luckily, they do. Other times, they don't. So they get handled. Add to this the self imposed challenges and the challenges that come from meyouhealth - also, interestingly called, Daily Challenges, and a day can get full very quickly.

Speaking of Daily Challenges, I would once again like to say how happy I am to have found the site. I have made some friends, met lots of interesting people and generally have a great time there. I have noticed that some people who were negative have either disappeared or changed their tunes. That is awesome! Sadly, some of the people with whom I have connected have basically stopped coming to the site. Well, I hope they are happy and well. It is cool that I have friends from all over the world on Daily Challenge - some of them have even become FB friends - and I hope to meet some of them eventually. I have two connections from Romania, one from Brazil, several from Canada. Yay! I have never been to Brazil and hope to visit there one day.

Yesterday was a pleasant day. Ginger came and helped mom with a shower. I played a bit and got stuff for dinner - buffalo chicken wings (home made buffalo sauce) - Mediterranean pasta salad - steamed broccoli - Yum - and a visit to Leaf diner! There was a gaggle of women from William Smith hanging out there - always a good thing. Gave a card to three of them - Shelby who was our server from the other night and two others. Later, Dan and Dan and Brett were there. And the whole evening, I had the pleasure of chatting with Emily.

Oh, an interesting exchange happened the other day. A friend had someone comment on one of her posts. I thought the someone was attractive to me so I wrote my friend and asked about her. She said she was 25, too young for me and asked if I liked redheads. I responded, yes, sadly, I do like redheads and that age doesn't matter to me since tomorrow we might all be dead. Age really doesn't matter to me and my heart - or even my head. As long as there is a connection, it doesn't matter to me if the person is young or old. They are still a person of interest and that is all that matters. :)

My books all arrived today! All four in one box, though ordered days apart. Go Amazon! Two books on programming, one on Economics (for dummies) and one on US Government and Politics (for idiots). I am so excited!

Chicken wings!

A well decorated table at Leaf Kitchen - and who is that cleaning up?

Yay books!


Alicia said...

Hi there! I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying Daily Challenge and making new friends from all over the globe. :-)

Alicia Benjamin
Social Media Manager
MeYou Health (creators of Daily Challenge)

Augustus said...

Wow, I didn't know that there was a Social Media Manager for any company, much less for MeYou Health! Good to know! Thank you for stopping by, Alicia!