Saturday, February 18, 2012

What's it like?

I often wonder what it is like inside my mom's head. Maybe I will find out for myself one day, but for now, I am still baffled. Frequently. I mean, she forgets from one minute to the next what TV show she is watching. Sometimes. Other times, she will be watching a show and remember what happened two weeks ago on it. She remembers having dinner with a couple of my friends in Raleigh, but can't remember my sister's downstairs bathroom's walk-in shower. Weird and scary.

Mom and I went and did laundry yesterday. She was not a lot of help but I am glad that she was at least interested in getting out and about. Yippee! We had three loads because I have been neglecting the laundry a bit. We really need a cleaning person to come in and help. Ginger is nice and all, but a cleaning person she is not. The fact that she helps mom with a shower every other week is awesome! But I need someone to come in and make sure that I am not helping us both to live in squalor. My idea of cleaning is to sweep the kitchen floor at least once a month...and that is not on a regular, clockwork sort of schedule...

We also went food shopping together - first time for that in a long while. There weren't too many things that mom wanted to but that we didn't need, which is great. Against my better judgement we bought a box of clementines. I hope they don't go bad before they are eaten. Dinner last night was home made chicken wings and home made pizza. Well, the pizza dough was from a packet. Maybe I will learn to make my own pizza dough, one day. I tried cooking it on a pizza stone. The directions suggested to use cornmeal between the dough and the stone. When I went to get the cornmeal from the jar labeled "cornmeal" I smelled it first and just couldn't bring myself to use it. So, I put nothing between the dough and the stone. Oops. The pizza tasted good, but the bottom crust was all stuck to the stone. Better luck next time!

Oh, and if anyone is interested, I thought the woman who won Jeopardy last night was very attractive. Ooh, maybe she reads my blog and will contact me and we will meet and hit it off could happen. Not very likely, but it could! :)

Mom helping at the laundry

The pizza stone

Looked good! I think next time I will add onions to the toppings...

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