Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bucket List and Resolutions...

With the New Year right around the corner, there seems to be a preoccupation with people's Bucket Lists, life goals and things they are going to resolve to do in the New Year. Well hurrah.

Let's start with the bucket list. This is a list of things that we would like to do before we "kick the bucket." There was that movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman showing the two of them getting out and about and doing wild and wacky things that they had always wanted to do but had never gotten around to. Helped that one of them had a bunch of disposable income - since they flew around to places and did expensive seeming activities. Though there was also the whole family reconciliation stuff as well... Daily Challenge has asked this a few times in the past 7 months that I have been a member. Is it weird that I don't have a bucket list? It isn't that there aren't things that I wouldn't mind doing, but there is nothing that I can think of that I "need" to do before I die. I have, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, led a pretty amazing life and done a lot of amazing things. Known a lot of great people. Etc. Am I content? Sure! I like the moment I am in.

The same goes for life goals. The only one that hasn't been fulfilled, and it isn't really something that I can do on my own, and thus don't really have control over, is to find a lifemate. Money, though it would be pleasant to have more of it, isn't a goal, in my eyes. Money is a tool, nothing more. Oooh, there is the goal of selling 1000 copies of Diary of a Plate Addict by April 30, 2011. If all of my friends, followers, Daily Challenge Connections (etc.) bought copies, that sure would help me towards my goal! I know that many of you have already and I thank those that have shown me that support! You know who you are, and you are awesome!

And lastly, New Year's resolutions. A while ago, I determined that I would continue work, in earnest, starting in January. I guess that is a New Year's resolution. Luckily, I don't have some of the issues that others seem to resolve to fix in the new year. It seems like one of the more popular resolutions has to do with weight loss. I am not particularly overweight. Yippee!

I watched The Warrior's Way last night on Netflix - fun, not great. A little choppy and disjointed, but if you like martial arts films, and Geoffrey Rush and Kate Bosworth, there are worse ways to spend an hour and forty-five minutes...

No lobster for us tonight. I just can't see myself plopping the critters into the boiling water. Too much of a softie. Sigh. We will have chicken wings instead. Last night's bbq sauce and pork ribs turned out pretty well. Mom even had seconds!

Pictures from December 30, 2011:

BBQ Sauce and boiling ribs!

The meal

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