Thursday, December 29, 2011

O Christmas Tree...

When is the "right" time to take the Christmas tree down? I am aiming for sometime in the New Year, (2012) though when exactly I am not sure.

I think my book tour plans are firming up - I was thinking that much more than a week in a hotel at a time would be difficult on mom and probably too expensive especially with the lackluster sales that Diary of a Plate Addict seems to be having. I think I will make the first two legs about a week each. So, maybe three days at each Saucer, instead of a week at each. I will write to Jeff (manager of the Raleigh Saucer) and see if he thinks this is a good plan - and if he is still willing to help me contact the other Saucers. Though, the first two I am fairly familiar with - Charlotte and Columbia. My current thought is to leave on Friday, January 20 and to return to Geneva around the 29th or 30th depending on whether we stop overnight on the way back or not. Then a similar trip to Tennessee in March. Then maybe a trip to Texas in April. NY in May for mom's birthday. June - a trip west - Maybe across the top to hit Kansas City going - and other points on the way back - like Las Vegas, San Francisco and any other place where there is somebody who is interested in getting together.

Yesterday was beer day at the lovely Beef and Brew. Yippee for beer day! I had three beers - all Ambers - Ithaca's Cascazilla, Sacket Harbor's War of 1812 and Widmer Brothers - Drop Top. It is always nice to see Lorraine and Tiffany. Ran into Melissa, a woman who is moving back to Geneva after being out in the world for a while. And generally just had a pleasant time. My thoughts on my beer blog progress - but I haven't actually asked anyone to participate yet. Maybe I will wait until I finish all of the beers at Beef and Brew before asking...

I also cooked mexican food for dinner last night - chicken quesadillas, rice and refried beans. I cooked the rice from memory last night and added a smidge too little water - so it was too dry - but ok. It might make good fried rice tonight for Chinese dinner (egg rolls). I think I could stand to buy some more spinach, since my Daily Challenge today was to eat something with omega three in it - like spinach...

You do know that comments are encouraged, right?

Photos from December 28, 2011:

Book Eight of WOT! Woo hoo!

Anew Daily Challenge friend is going to Costa Del Sol, so I thought of her...


Sam said...

April sounds good for Texas!

Augustus said...

How long do you think you could stand us, Sam?