Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sniffle, sniffle...

Those are sniffs of stuffiness, not sadness. Thank you for your concern, though!

I thought that perhaps my brush will illness had passed away uncharacteristically. Sadly, it was just lying in wait, waiting to pounce when I least suspected it. Grrr. The way the progression usually works - a three day affair - is sore throat, stuffy nose, sore throat, all better. And none of them too heinous. This time, sore throat - nothing - stuffy nose this morning - and we shall see what happens next. The excitement is almost too much for me!

I dreamt that I published a blog post without proofing it and certainly without labels! Eeeek! That was a nightmare and made me sit right up in bed!

Cindi posted a link to a blog post by Dan - Single Dad Laughing - about loving without judging. What a wonderful world it would be if we all embraced that thought at least part of the time. Sigh.  By the way, until I had seen that link, I had never heard of Single Dad Laughing. I don't know that I will ever read his blog again, but the one post was enjoyable.

Moving on - yesterday I stayed in all day. And I managed to actually study some Spanish. Not a lot, but a little - enough to make me feel like I did some studying. I am sooooo ready for this class to be over. Not because it was horrible, just because I am ready to be a vegetable for a while. Till the Second of January. Then, by golly, I am going to get down to brass tacks and tackle some writing for the future! Posterity, here I come!

Sorry, drifted off topic again. Dinner was left overs with a little pork thrown in. Tonight, different left overs, presented differently. What else about yesterday - oh, made a new connection on Daily Challenge - to another women from Romania! I wonder if that site is popular in that country. Weird if it I am even more excited to learn some Romanian! :)

Ramble, ramble, ramble. Nothing really to say today - just waiting for something exciting. Today, at least, is beer at the Beef and Brew (or somewhere else) day! Yippee! Oh, and I need to mail Cate some copies of Diary of a Plate Addict. And put in an order for our Christmas dinner of Peking Duck!

Speaking of the book - buy copies! Doing so is a good Christmas present for me - and who knows, you might actually enjoy it. I'm just sayin'...

Picture from December 13, 2011:

Chuck is often the wacky one! :)

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