Saturday, December 17, 2011

Ding Dong, the...

Spanish Class is dead! Which old Spanish Class? The Wicked Spanish Class! Ding dong the wicked Spanish Class is dead!

Ok, so that doesn't scan so well, but you get the idea and the point.  Don't get me wrong - those of you who follow this blog and my life (and such) know that overall I enjoyed the class - I love to learn, I love to learn languages, I love meeting new people. All good things. I didn't enjoy getting up at an early hour 3 days a week. I didn't like the text book. And I didn't like having a commitment. Yup, I am a commitment-a-phobe. You read it here first. I took the exam yesterday - and I will be surprised if I got more than 20 points on it. Maybe 30. 10 points I just gave up on - apparently we were taught a new form during the week I was gone. Yippee! 10 free points for the rest of the class. Though how much they could have drilled it - anyway, moving on. I am happy that the exam is done! Woo hoo!! No more classes! Wheeeeee! Though I am thinking of taking a programming class if I can find one...

Other than that, not a lot went on yesterday. I got food for dinner and made steak, veggies, artichokes and twice baked potatoes - boy those turned out yummily! Watched an episode of Chuck - how have I missed so many of them? Well, I will just have to look on Hulu and see if they are there - I haven't been watching much television lately - either on the actual television or on the computer - I have been spending most of my entertainment hours with Skyrim. Yippee!

Now that the class is over, I can focus on the holidays a bit. And start to get caught up on some of the stuff I would like to get caught up on. Like putting pictures up on Facebook. And writing emails about the book. And figuring out Google Ad words. I am very excited!

Oh, my Spanish professor bought a copy of Diary of a Plate Addict. I mean, if he can, why can't my so called "friends" by copies? (For those of you who already own copies - I don't mean to belittle your thoughtfulness and support!)

Photos from December 16, 2011:

Mom's stuff plunked right down where I was studying - thanks mom! :)

Beautiful day for a Spanish Exam!


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