Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Promises, promises

I promised my mom that I wasn't going to get her anything for Christmas. Ooops. I am going shopping for her later today. Hahahahahahaha! Or should I have started that with Bwa? (To make it more maniacal?) Promise might be overstating it, though. We sort of commiserated over the fact that we didn't get anything for anyone this year. Oh well. She needs stuff under the tree.

Speaking of the tree, I brought it inside yesterday and decorated it last night. There will be tree pictures forth coming - I didn't take one of it decorated last night. My tripod is in the car still - my big tripod - which I picked up when I was last in Raleigh. I think it (the tree, not the tripod) needs watering already. I am afraid that it won't even last through Christmas. It is shedding already. Sigh.

No major picture posting yesterday - but I did get some other stuff done - primarily, I moved all of the boxes out of the living room into the dining room. One of my tactics for dealing with clutter, is to condense it - make it smaller and more compact  - so that a) it looks like there is less clutter, and b) it seems more manageable when it is all in one place - finite instead of overwhelming. We will see if it works. I also stealth sorted one of the boxes - yippee! Threw away probably a third of the box of paper. Every little bit helps, apparently. And I vacuumed! I know, right? :)

I also mailed two copies of Diary of a Plate Addict off - and one of Bar Dreams. Thank you Lesa and Marti! Two friends from Daily Challenge! So far, the people on Daily Challenge are being wonderfully supportive - four of them have bought copies! How awesome is that?! I am working on a blog post on the writing blog about the costliness of the books. Maybe it will be posted today - or tomorrow - we shall see - in any case - it is helping me to feel better about charging so much for them.

Mom's desire to be out and about continued yesterday - we went to the movies. She wouldn't pick, she doesn't like to pick, or decide generally. Except when she wants to. :) Anyway, I opted for The Muppets. I love Amy Adams - there wasn't enough of her in the movie - Jason Segel is ok - not my favorite - and I still enjoy the muppets (despite no Jim Henson or in this case, Frank Oz). Afterwards we dined on the haute cuisine of Wendy's - a place that mom mentions at least once every three days. Sigh.

Photos from December 20, 2011:



Tree sans decorations...

The Muppets!

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