Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Absolutely Zero Interest

Yup, you read that correctly, I have absolutely zero interest in studying for my Spanish final exam on Friday at 1:30 pm. Zero, zip, nada, rien, nichevo, niente etc. I did two verbs yesterday and that was all the energy I could must for that task. I did print out lots of verb conjugation sheets, though. Yay me! Sigh. I guess I will do more today. Maybe. We shall see, of course.

Not a lot happening on the home front yesterday. I did that little teeny bit of studying and then did nothing the rest of the day.

Oh, I did run a couple of errands. One was to the grocery store to get dinner - a store bought chicken, some spinach and some mushrooms.

The other was to the pharmacy, where I had a lovely chat with my favorite pharmacist (whose name is sadly no Farah or Felicia). Actually I am happy her name isn't either of those - even though it would be alliterative. Anyway, as some of you know, I have been curious about the link between intense dreams and Zoloft. She confirmed what Anonymous and Summerhill have mentioned - that there is a link. She suggested to reduce the dosage - with mom's doctor's approval. I like her - she thinks people are generally over medicated too! I also found out that all Aricept does is stimulate cognition. Sigh. I was hoping that it was a wonder drug, reversing Alzheimer's entirely. Ok, I didn't really think that was the case - I just didn't know. The last drug we spoke about was mom's high blood pressure medicine. Again, I really don't know anything about drugs - hey, maybe I should go to pharmacy school! Or maybe not. I just have a feeling that mom's blood pressure is not as high as it was - since she seems to be under a lot less stress than when she was living alone. Fewer worries, one hopes. Now I just need to think of other excuses to have chats with my fabulous pharmacist... :)

Lastly, I got our pistachio ice cream. Mom gets this on the off chance that Karl will come to visit - and because she can eat it while waiting for him to come. Our local Friendly's actually gave me a call when the ice cream came in. 12 cartons. They don't think it will sell. We will see.

I made coleslaw yesterday - one of the best batches to date! Still doing it by feel, no measuring, but it seems to be getting a little more consistent. It tries to ride the crest of three main flavoring ingredients - sugar, apple cider vinegar and mayonnaise. And this time I added just a whisper of cayenne pepper. Yippee!

Today is another day. Perhaps I will get more Spanish done. Perhaps mom and I will go to a movie - there are three that I think would be fun. Perhaps we will do nothing! I like the word "perhaps."

Photo from December 12, 2011:

Yay coleslaw!

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