Friday, September 16, 2011

Welcome Follower 34!

Nice to have you on board. And you comment and everything! How cool is that?!

The book series I mentioned in the comment is called The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. I read it a while back and remember enjoying it. Historical Science Fiction, I think is the sub-genre.

So, I got a seven out of 20 on my first Spanish quiz. Oops. I hope I did better on the in-class composition today. I think I did. We had to come up with 16 verbs. I don't know 16 Spanish verbs. Or maybe I do. We shall see.

I went to the Games Night last night and started taping the beer at Leaf Kitchen as well. They have an eclectic selection that doesn't seem to overlap Beef and Brew's so far as I can tell. Yippee!

And I went to Spanish Tutoring with Daniel last night. Not awesome. I basically sat there and worked on my own. Oh well. Maybe Sunday I will go and see Jade. It is sad that my favorites work the nights I like to go downtown. Well, not anymore. I probably won't go downtown on Mondays any more. And Wednesday I will be going during the day. And Thursday night, Leaf Kitchen. My goodness, what with Game Night sometimes at Charles' on Sundays, my time is filling up!

Heather sent me a couple of requests for Diary of a Plate Addict. I am going to work on those this afternoon and send them to her today. Yippee!

Mom is odd. Yesterday, the coldest day we have had yet, she did not complain about being cold. Maybe it is her medication? I just don't know. And today she was again discombobulated about going to Physical Therapy. Not as badly as on Monday, luckily. Sigh.

No plan for tonight, other than sitting around the house. It seems that mom's DVD player is on the fritz. Sigh. Maybe I will look for an inexpensive one at WalMart or on Ebay. One day.

Pictures from Thursday, September 15, 2011:

Salmon, veggies and some pasta for dinner

Work on the sidewalk repair continues

People hard at play! :)


naturegirl said...

Why thank you for such an eloquent welcome."Follower 34" Love it :). I will add your suggestion to my read list. I am attempting to read two books at once, not at the same time, but different times through out the day.. heheeheh, one is on making honey ale and home brews, and the other of course is"A Storm of Swords".

It pains me to see you receive a 7 out of 20, ouch on your Spanish quiz. I have to ask, how long have you been taking Spanish? and have you a list of verbs? er, ir, and ar present tense. They are the easiest to learn. LOL.. I wish you much luck. I hope you did well on the composition part :)

I am enjoying the blog, not as mundane as you claim it be. Look forward to the next.

Augustus said...

I am taking the second semester of first year Spanish. I have never taken Spanish before, so I am playing a lot of catch-up! I will do better eventually!