Friday, September 9, 2011

Fantabulous Friday

I had sort of forgotten the joys of a weekend. Or how nice it felt to have one. I am sure I mentioned this elsewhere - mom and I watched a series on PBS that took place in the late 1800s in England. In one scene, the matriarch of a family said "What is a 'weekend'?" I thought that a great sentiment and for a while, I had the same sort of feeling. Not working makes one's life a little shapeless at times. And weekends are a little weird.

Anyway, I had a nice day yesterday - didn't do too much. Well, I called about getting mom a new "help me I've fallen over" button. The guy came today and gave it to us. And I talked with the handyman. We are going to get some sidewalk repairs done. That will be nice! I have been feeling sad about the state of the sidewalk. I hope it isn't too expensive.

What else? Oh, I went to Spanish tutoring - with Hazel this time. We went through Chapter two, Etapa one. Section one? Speaking of Spanish, I sat in a different seat today in Spanish class and confused the people who normally sat there, and the professor. Oh well. I like to mix things up to keep them fresh. I don't like always doing the same thing over and over again. Maybe that is one reason I am not in a relationship...hmm.

Neither mom nor I ate much yesterday. We both had quiche at different meals. She also had an English muffin. I think I need to go to the grocery store today. That would be nifty. My list is short, though. And my creativity, or rather my interest in cooking new things is waning. I just can't think of anything that I want to cook. Poop. I will take suggestions (though I might not follow them...)

Onwards! Photos from September 8, 2011:

 This is one thing that Don and his crew will fix!

I have never liked this corner - hopefully it will be happy after Don gets done with it!

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