Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Waking Up

Waking up can be a challenge. And I guess if one doesn't wake up...yesterday, I woke mom up and reminded her that she had physical therapy in two hours (I had just returned from class). Sadly, she does not wake up well when woken by an external stimulus. I think I have a new low to judge her state of mind by. She was literally in tears for some of the next two hours. Heartbreaking. And depressing. But we got her showered and dressed and out the door in time. Yippee!

As for me, I much prefer to wake up whenever my body says it is time to wake up, rather than waking up for an alarm clock. 

We also ran a couple of other errands - going to the library and stopping to get more of her brain drug. And again, I read most of the day. Spanish class was ok and then I read. I was wanting to finish the last book in the Hunger Games series, which I did. The whole series was entertaining and had some good ideas. Worth a read, especially since all three books are quick reads. Still doesn't come close to the creativity of the Harry Potter books and of course, no where near Ender's Game. I think it might be time to read Ender's Game again...

Monday night was our first Spanish Lab. 8 students and Hazel, our Teaching Something. I forget what she is - there are three or four different teaching somethings here at Hobart currently, Teaching Fellow, Teaching Assistant, Teaching Something and Teaching Something. We basically zipped through the exercises that we were supposed to have completed for the day. I didn't finish them, but I think most everyone else did. I like that it is a smaller group. And I like the classroom - I will get a picture of it one day. I love the desks! It is too bad that we can't have regular class in that room - I think it is a German classroom. Poop. After that, I went and said hello to Molly in the basement but didn't do any Spanish with her. I was sort of Spanished out for the day. I had Spanish Class, watched an episode of Bueno Entonces, did lots of the exercises in the book and had Spanish Lab. Four hours of Spanish is enough for one day! And then I stayed home, out of lethargy, primarily. I plan to make up for it today by going out to a beer tasting and then downtown to have my three beers at Beef and Brew.

Pictures from September 12, 2011:
The trash can waiting patiently...

Our nutritious lunch from Wendy's

Yum - a beer worth staying home for - Saranac's Caramel Porter!

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