Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunless Saturday

And all is swell with the world. Ok, maybe swell is a tad too strong a word. Mom is totally gaga this morning which is sad. Hopefully she will get better as the day progresses. We will see.

We went to a new-to-us pizza place last night for dinner. That was our day's excitement. Oh, and errands. First we mailed two stuffed animals to some of her grand children (she has 9 so far - none of them from me). Next, Mom wanted to see if she could get some dizzy relief pills. Turns out that the medication she was prescribed three years ago has subsequently become available over the counter. So we got her some of that. And she got a flu-shot. I haven't had a flu shot in 20 years, I don't think. And I don't think I have had the flu in that time either. Who knows? I can barely remember yesterday, which is one reason that I blog. Maybe the act of writing about things will help them to stick in my brain for a bit longer. Anything is possible. Anyway, after the flu shot, we went to Wal-Mart to get mom some toothpaste that she had seen advertised on TV. Tooth whitening Optima from Colgate - or some such nonsense. Sigh.

So, that was our exciting day. No word from CreateSpace about Diary of a Plate Addict, yet. I hope they get back to us sooner than the 48 hours, but I think that is unlikely. It will be 24 hours around 4 this afternoon. And it is Saturday. Do they work all seven days? Hmm.

The pizza, by the way, was not great. Still haven't found a great pizza place here in Geneva. The search continues - next time, Cam's downtown.

Hope you all are having a great life!

Pictures from September 23, 2011:

I had forgotten I took this picture - seagulls on the William Smith Green

There is the pizza - a tad puffy and the sauce was too sweet (not to mention too little of it for my taste...)

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