Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ding Dong the Book is Dead!

I don't recall the rest of the song off the top of my head. All I really know is that I sent off the edits to Heather last night! Yippee! And I need to get to the post office today before noon (which is when it closes, I think) to get the package with the hard copy into the mail for her. Yippee!! Did I say yippee?

 For some reason, I found mom very irritating yesterday. Perhaps it was because I got up early and didn't eat anything. Maybe I need to get some fruit so that I can have something in the morning. Spanish class was not great. I really need to get cracking and get caught up. And now that I don't have the book hanging over my head for a few days at least, I might be able to do just that. While mom was at Physical Therapy, I did get some data entry accomplished. That is a good thing. I think we have homework again - I need to look at the syllabus. But I digressed, again. Sigh. Well, maybe there isn't much more to say. Mom wasn't any different, so it must have been me just feeling irritated. Glarp.

Don Wheeler, mom's most recent handyman, came over for a look-see. We are getting railings for the attic, finally. And he is going to do some work on the side entrance, which needs it badly. Yay! When, I don't know, but someday. :) Oh, and I was handy, myself. I replaced a lightbulb and put non-skid treads on the front stairs! Go me!

Still piles of things for me to do on the book. I need to get Heather the ISBN number and bar code. And I need to re-find out how to get a Library of Congress control number. And then there are the two "other" things - the website and the shirt. I have been putting both off for a long time. Sigh.

Other things weighing on my little mind: bills - mostly mom's. I did do laundry the other day. That makes me feel good. I have updated the iPad and the iPhone - though in the process somehow my Spanish classes got vaporized. Another sixteen hour wait while they all download again. Oh, I changed tracks in Daily Challenge! Yippee! I am on the flexibility and posture track. I bet it is going to be lots of yoga things - all of which I can incorporate (briefly) into my daily yoga routine! Yippee!

Ok, moving on - anybody have any requests about what I ought to explore, here on the blog?

Happy September!

Pictures from September 1, 2011:

 The landscaper/mower guy, Carl, came and demolished (in a good way) the bush by the front door and trimmed the tree so that one can walk down the sidewalk!

 Not a great picture of a tree I planed some 40 years ago in the yard...

 The treads on the front stairs!

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