Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I got an 82 on my Spanish in-class composition. How exciting is that? I have no idea how he graded it, since mine had so much red on it, I can hardly read what I wrote. In any case, that is exciting. And if I type it up and correct it, I can add up to three points. Every little point will help. Yippee! I must admit, that I do think of dropping the class all the time. And I am pretty sure I am not going to take a class in the Spring. I may go to the Spanish table at lunchtime, though, someday. Today, I have been very tired, so I didn't go. My allergies are acting up, big time. And that makes my sleeping not very restful. Poo. And I don't like to take medicine for allergies...Sigh.

Heather turned Diary of a Plate Addict around. Now we just need to get it uploaded and a couple of copies printed for us to proof. We are getting very close. Maybe even on track for an October release! That would mean, all things working out, that I will be in Raleigh for a week selling the book. That would be awesome! I don't know what I am going to do with mom. Perhaps Bosey would be willing to take her in for a week. Or one of my other friends or relatives. Karl is out of the question. Juliet is so far away. Ernst and Betty already have so much on their plates. Well, if worse comes to worst, we will just have to get a hotel together in Raleigh for a week. Anyway, that is still a couple of weeks away. I am still thinking I will print 300 copies and see how many I can sell. Hopefully, I will run out. That would be great! I also need to order some copies of Bar Dreams in case people want a copy of that. Can you tell I am excited?

Mom was very excited about the premier of "Unforgettable" which, sadly, was quite boring. Poppy is pretty, but that is about all that is good about the show. My Hulu cue got filled up suddenly with episodes of Eureka and Warehouse 13! I am very excited about those! And listening to the WOT book continues. I am dreading, a bit, slogging through the middle books, but they are what they are!

Did I mention that I got mom a baby monitor. Well, I got it for me. Since mom seems to be spending more time abed, I got it so that I could be in the study and still hear her if she needs me. Yippee.

Ok, time to take mom to her last Physical Therapy session for a while. Yippee!!

Pictures from September 20, 2011:

I got $1.00 back from Rite Aid! Go me!

Is that a picture of mom on the cover of this box? :)

A store bought dinner - California Rolls, gyoza and ravioli - though I did put my al fredo sauce on the raviolis...


Jeffrois said...

Put me on the list for a copy of Diary as soon as it's ready to ship!

naturegirl said...

woo woo 82! well done, but what's important is what you got out of it.

Advise how I may obtain a copy of the soon to be newly release book. :)

Again, Congrats !!!

Augustus said...

Will do, Jeff!

Augustus said...

Um, ok, Brigitte! I thought it was only the grade that mattered, not if I actually learned anything. Hmm. I guess I have to reevaluate years of education! :) And of course, we will figure out a way for you to get a copy of the book! Yippee!