Monday, September 12, 2011

Read all day...

Sigh. Ok, I did do a few other things, but mostly I just read all day. The second book in the Hunger Games trilogy. One more book to go - I started it last night and was good and put it down. A librarian told me that she thought it was the weakest of the three. I guess I will see. It is due tomorrow.

What other excitement transpired yesterday? Well, I worked on Spanish. Cleaned the kitchen. The one place in the house that I haven't let slide too far back into mom-inspired chaos so far is the kitchen! Hurrah! Made breakfast for dinner. Yum. I only have two pieces of french toast left in the freezer. I didn't know that french toast froze so well!

I don't know what to do with mom. I know that she is stronger than she is making out, but I don't know how to help her to realize this. She just keeps hoping I will be sympathetic by her being pathetic. And it isn't working. It is just making me want to start finding a home for her to live in...

Ok, I am really sleepy just now - I think I will take a nap! Yippee!

Photos from September 11, 2011:

I found this on the liquor shelf, drank it and still have no idea what it was supposed to be. I am still alive!

One egg over hard, one over easy!


richard said...

hope things normalize. you are performing one of life's most difficult but noble acts. be aware that there is at the very least one soul out there that is proud of you for that.

Augustus said...

Thank you Richard! I appreciate your thought! :)

Jeffrois said...

Apparently what's in the bottle is Dutch gin.

Augustus said...

Cool! Thank you Jeff! Sadly, it was so old, it had almost no taste and no alcohol content that I could divine...