Thursday, September 22, 2011

Student Helpers

HWS has a class/program for community outreach. The students can note their preferences. Some prefer to work with older people in the community. Mom has had a few over the years - some great, some not so great. We are going to get two starting either Friday or Monday. Yippee! They will only be here for an hour and a bit, but I am sure we can get some things accomplished. Maybe they can even get mom out for a walk. That would be awesome. I have all sorts of things that they can do to help around the house. Especially emptying things out and putting things back, so we can a) get a sense of what remains in the house and b) just move stuff about and c) hopefully let some stuff go. Like the drawers in the kitchen, dining room, shelves in the linen closet, book shelves I mean lots and lots. She says they will also be willing to do light yard work - maybe mom will like them to do something. I know they can help put the porch to bed when that time comes...I for one am excited!

I need to call insurance companies today and get my insurance changed. I am not excited by the prospect. Although I don't fear change, and even try to embrace it - and seek it out sometimes, for some reason, changing insurance companies is freaking me out a bit. Sigh. Has anyone out there done it? Well, I will report my findings in tomorrow's blog.

Turns out that the show that Kristen is in, a revival/touring company of Young Frankenstein, is playing in Utica next Tuesday and Wednesday. I am leaning towards going on Tuesday - but Wednesday might work as well. I will write Kristen and see if she has strong feelings either way.

Spanish with Wendy last night was as fun as always. She is awesome. And she agreed to go have cider with me sometime. After she finishes her applications for grad school (sometime in October). Not a date - she is only 21 after all! Still, maybe she will agree to be video taped for the beer blog.

Ok, gotta strip the bed, take a shower and call insurance companies - not in any particular order!

Photos from September 21, 2011:

Artichokes and corn! Does corn count as a green vegetable?

I don't know what that is or how it ended up there - but I thought it looked like a present left by someone...

Everything cooking - spinach and rice glop, corn and artichokes

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