Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

Yippee! It is Wednesday! I like Wednesdays. I don't know why, but I do.

Hey, I just got off the phone with time warner cable. Wow, what a racket! My mom currently has basic service. To go up one level of service (80 channels), the bill would go up $60 a month! Doesn't seem like a lot when you look at it per day, but goodness! I thought maybe it would be $25 extra a month. Sadly, mom will not get to watch ESPN, Comedy Central, etc. Oh well. Eeek, $60 a month. And they had a promotion for only $40 a month more she could could to 200 channels. But of course, that price is only good for a year when it jumps to $90 a month more. How do they get away with this? Oh, right, because they are basically a monopoly and are basically unregulated. Thank you Mr. Reagan. The ills of the country can basically be traced back to his presidency. Just saying...(basically)

Had my Spanish class this morning and I think I got just about every answer wrong. I was feeling especially non-hispanic today. I couldn't speak at all. I couldn't think any Spanish words in my head. I am totally confused about how to conjugate verbs. Sigh. Hopefully, this will improve before the test. Last night's tutoring session wasn't all that great either. Daniel is very nice, but it was really crowded and I just didn't feel comfortable at all. Tonight is the last new-to-me teaching fellow - Wendy. I plan to go and meet her at least.

Still working my way through the A Song of Fire and Ice book. Oh, and trying to get the ISBN number and a Library of Congress Control number for Diary of a Plate Addict as well. My ISBN account is on hold for some reason and the Library of Congress has no record of my publishing company, though I do know that I have an LC Control number in that book. At least I am pretty sure I do...

I love it when POF women write me and say "I don't think we are a match - good luck in your search." At least that is a bit better than silence. Often, though, I am already in "buyer's regret" mode before I get their message. I am thinking "Why did I write that woman? Ok, so she is physically slightly more attractive than most of the women on POF, but she is short, not all that pretty, has a whopping high school education and misspelled just about every other word in her profile. Yikes!" One day, I will again be in a relationship and won't have to think about this stuff. Please, Universe, are you listening?

A couple errands to run today. I need to get out and see to them!

Hasta luego!

Pictures from September 6, 2011:

 There is something odd about my chair seat, so I bought this stylish chair cover for it!

The door to mom's PT. I still think it is humorous that mom pushed and pushed for this and now is reluctant to go every time. Luckily there are only a few more sessions...

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