Friday, September 23, 2011

Student Helpers Part II

The student helpers didn't respond to the email. I don't think etiquette is taught anywhere anymore. I mean, it is supposed to be learned at home, but most people don't really have homes anymore, 'cause everyone is out working to earn enough to put food on their tables and a roof over their heads. Sigh. Whatever. The two girls did not send a message back saying - Thank you! Got the message! We will be there on Friday! Instead, they just showed up. One at a time. Jocelyn showed up first - a sophomore with a major and two minors. Just a smidge driven. Very nice. Gave her a tour of the house and spoke with her for about 20 minutes. Mom did not make an appearance. Just after Jocelyn left, Katie appeared. She is a freshman, from New Jersey, who has no idea what she wants to study. Good for her. Better, though, would have been for her to take a year or four off to get some life experience and then go to school. But I am not her or her parents. Anyway, she was nice as well - mom did make an appearance during her tour and put on quite a show. I think it will be great for mom to have these two young women around!

Heather put Diary of a Plate Addict up in our dropbox folder today. I then uploaded it to CreateSpace - only to find out that they have a 48 hour hold on the files while they review them. Sigh. I am seriously beginning to doubt that I will be able to get the book finished and have 300 copies ready to go by the time I need them - October 6 or 7th. Supersized sigh! And a bit of a grrrr. Just in general. Part o the reason for my lack of confidence is because I think there will be issues that will need another iteration once we see the book printed out. I hope I am wrong, I just get the feeling that will be the case. If I miss this window, I won't have another one until January - after Spanish class is over with. And I will miss the Christmas season. Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!! And for some reason, we have the slowest upload speeds I have encountered since using a phone modem! What is up with that? I will call Time Warner eventually and find out.

Had a lovely time at Leaf Kitchen last night. I drank two beers for the video blog. I also had a good chat with a guy who was at Hobart around the same time I was. But he never saw any of my plays (I directed 3 musicals, a staged reading, performed in an additional 3 shows all in three years minus two trimesters (study abroad)).

Ok, sorry this took so long to get put up. Busy-ish day. Yippee!

Pictures from September 22, 2011:

Mom sent these two cute cuddlies to two of her grandchildren

Leftovers with a special sauce for the chicken - that was tasty

Leaf Kitchen receipt - I just liked the clothespin! Great idea!!


naturegirl said...

Young adults of today, so here and now. I have to say most are taught the etiquette, but what lacks is the follow-thru to act on it. Most or all never do, my two boys included, which I have to constantly remind to do. I think they are finally "getting" it !and realizing how important communication is! Now that being said.. heheheheeh.. I am awaiting an email too LOL.. Seriously, I think it is wonderful that you get assistance with MOM and having some female companionship for her.

I hope the progress continues in a positive direction with your book. As I am looking forward to it.

Learn interesting things, while reading your blog,, plays, directing, musicals, study abroad .. do share.. Impressed .. and yet you struggle with Spanish.. heheheheeh.. ahhh my new friend, life is but an adventure, with new trails, to discover!! Happy weekend!

Augustus said...

So, who teaches follow-through? :) I hope you got your email by now...

Struggle might be too strong a word for what I am experiencing in Spanish. It is just lack of effort and sheer lack of amount of time focusing on Spanish. I plan to buckly down and work on conjugation over the next week. Yippee!