Moving on. Sometimes I get very sad hanging out with my mom. I am compassionate about her condition - I mean, heck, there but for the grace of God go I. And who knows, maybe one day I will be going there. And then I get sad for myself, because who will do for me what I am doing for mom? Pity party, table of one! Oh wait, I'm sorry sir, we don't seat parties of one in this restaurant. Maybe you could go to McDonald's...But she used to be more adventurous and brave. I am not hallucinating that, am I? I mean, she did live in China for 7 years or something like that, all on her own. And did a lot of traveling all over the world. Anyway...
Great day yesterday, all things considered. I will put a few pictures here, but there will be an entire album of yesterday's pictures up on Facebook. We got up and got out on time, which is always a good thing. We left around 10 am. Stopped and got gas and then headed on south to Watkin's Glen. We needed to get some cash, mom likes to have cash, so stopped at a Community Bank ATM there. Mom was surprised that I found one. I had cheated, I had already looked it up on the internet. Anyway, we drove on through to Corning and found the Museum. Parking was confusing, but I dropped mom off and then headed to find a parking place. By the time I had gotten back to the admissions place, mom had charmed the ticket seller, Peggy, who gave us her own discounted rate of $6 per person, instead of the $15 that is normal or even the discounted older person and AAA membership options of which we could have availed ourselves! Go mom!
The museum was much spiffier than I recalled, having not been in many, many years. One whole floor was devoted to things for sale. The second and third floors were all exhibits. There was a lot of glass there!! One section devoted to Contemporary glass, one to historical. There were also a few different demonstration stations - mom and I ended up catching three demonstrations - but didn't see the fourth this time. At one point, we got mom some food and browsed the for sale stuff a little. We were good and only purchased one postcard! I love glass stuff, but did not succumb to my feelings of lust for shiny stuff. I especially liked some glass flowers, but restrained my spending urges. All in all we were there about 3 hours. Way longer than I normally stay in a museum.
Next we headed to beer tasting. There was a micro brewery in Corning called Market Street. The beer was mostly ok. I liked their blackberry infused beer best. After that we headed back home, stopping in Watkins Glen to do another beer tasting at the Crooked Rooster Brew Pub. Much better beer overall. I didn't like the imperial Coffee Stout, which lacked pith and was way too bitter. The tasting was also very expensive - 1.50 for a four ounce pour. That is a pint for $6 which is a lot for mediocre beer. I did chat with the brewmaster briefly. And we had some mussels. Yum! Sadly, about half of them didn't open. Boo. But the chef decided to make us another batch to make up for that. Yay!
Then home where I napped for an hour before we headed to the Seneca Falls Parker's for dinner and to see Carol. Dinner was good, Carol was not there. Oh well.
And here are a few pictures from May 5, 2011:
A view of the Corning Museum of Glass.
Beer from Market St. Brewing Company in Corning, NY.
Yay mussels! These were Thai flavored. Mom loves mussels, so I try to order them for her when they are available!
A full rack of ribs - we ate most of it there, and took a little home for snackage later!
There are some 20 more pictures from yesterday on the internet on Facebook. Or at least there will be if there aren't already. :)
Happy Friday!
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