I have always been a fan of signs and portents. Not relying on them, but seeing if any seem to leap out at me. And for a while now, while I was out of work and puttering around, I was looking for a sign. Or better yet a lightning bolt, that would give me a clue or the impetus to get off my butt and do something different. And it happened. At the time, I didn't recognize it for what it was.
As those of you who have been following my life through this blog for the past little while know, back in April I had a triple play of negativity occur. My housemate and I had a major kerfuffle, my sort of girl friend most definitely fired me and my unemployment was terminated. All in a very short space of time. Like one day. So I chose to head to Geneva, where I knew I would be, mostly, welcomed. (On a side note, I do think mom resents my presence here now and again...)
Looking back, I guess that was the sign and the deus ex machina I was waiting for. If only something similar would happen where a career and a girlfriend are concerned...
Speaking of which, that is sort of what e-dating is like. Praying to the internet to drop an amazing woman into my life. Being a firm believer in "Anything is possible (most things, though, are unlikely)" this could happen. Right?
Called most of the Saucers yesterday to solicit feedback on the book. Mostly it was positive, except for from one guy who has a hard time saying anything positive at all, unless he says something nice and then turns it mean. Oh well. Now if only I can get something concrete from them all, that would be nifty as well.
Sustained an xBox injury on my left trigger, er, index finger yesterday. Ow.
I get to clean out the room I am in as if I wasn't here. So that my brother and his family can inhabit it. Sigh. Oh well - as I said, I feel like I am perched here. We shall see what I can do to change that feeling.
Oh, I forgot - I stayed up (way too late) last night watching a couple of episodes from a BBC Robin Hood series. Fun stuff!
Ok dokey, then. Here are pictures from May 24, 2011:
Walking back from the grocery store, I saw this lovely view of the Hobart and William Smith Colleges Campus.
Pre-fried egg rolls. They turned out pretty well, as did the fried rice! Yum!
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