Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rocking on!

Got another music book - and this is exactly what I was looking for. It is still PVG but the arrangements just seem better. And there are a lot of the classic songs. Yay! I just tried Money and the base rhythm is there. How cool is that? I think the tally is four down, one to go!

I have started the moving/sorting/cleaning process a bit earlier than I thought I would. Yessterday I unpacked three boxes of books and culled out about a third of them to sell. Not including the Britannica set I have - including lots of Books of the Year. Don't really know what to do with those. Any suggestions? At least it was a start. I hope and plan to do a little bit each day so that I can redistribute two large piles of stuff. There are three large piles of stuff that came from North Carolina (not including the stuff that got squirreled away in the basement and in the attic already) Two out of three isn't bad, right? Maybe when Karl comes, he can help me a bit. Probably not. Whenever he comes, he has his hands still full with his kids (three under the age of 6) and his wife. And mom of course, which is why he comes. We shall, of course, see.

Speaking of whom, he asked to do a home evaluation for the possibility of keeping mom here after she progresses into the last stage of Alzheimer's. I already know that keeping someone here is doable, since we have had other people here who were in various states of decay. So, I'm not sure what he is really after. One of the nurses from the place where we get our aides came and asked me what he was looking for. I tried to explain, but don't think I did it very well. I hope he wasn't looking for the official thingie - that costs money and is only good for six months. Mom could be six months away from the third stage - she could be two and a half years from the third stage. Who the heck knows?

One big task to accomplish today. I can do it! Get to the County Assessor's office and apply for mom's STAR exemption - reduction in taxes. Mom is awake and needs to sign some papers before I head off into the, er, well, it is mid day so sunset or sunrise don't really apply here. Hmm...


Richard Wright said...

Augustus you are the rock star you have always been becoming

Augustus said...

I have the hair for it! :)