Saturday, April 20, 2013

Gotta love the interwebnetsthingy

More scanning must be done to get more stuff up and available on the interwebnetsthingy. As it is, there is a goodly amount of stuff (and such - and nonsense) floating around. Like the manual for the TV. Yay! Once I found the model number, located on the back of the set, it was easy to find a manual for it online. The manual was searchable and had two references to "delete." Click, click, done! Yay! Now mom will have to problems going to channel 8, one hopes. We shall see.

And no, the problem still persists. If someone types in the number, which is what mom does, it still goes to the unwanted, deleted, removed and proscribed channel. Glarg. And I can't get mom to use the channel up/channel down button. Ch apparently has no meaning for her. Poo and double poop on a scoop.

Laundry day! Yay! Four baskets full - true - a lot of bedding was finally washed, but still. Who waits that long to do laundry? This guy, apparently. I went to the laundromat downtown rather than the one in the plaza. I thought I recalled that they had a really, really big washer that might accommodate all four baskets worth of soiled garments. They did, but it didn't. Oh well. Everything did get washed. And then I set mom to folding again. Yippee! She did a great job, all things considered.

After dinner, we tried, for a second time, to go see The Idiot at Hobart & William Smith. The weather tried to prevent us from going, but we persevered through the cold rain (and snow - ok, no snow, just a musical allusion...). It was quite a slog. Mom only stopped fourteen times on the way there - and surprisingly only complained twice! (On the way back, she only stopped once - weird, or what?) I had thought the show was going to be packed - it wasn't. Sadly, I must have been very tired because I kept nodding off through out the performance. Not that the show was bad - I didn't really like the lighting - nor did I grasp the reason behind a lot of the choices - why all of the references and quotes from Alice in Wonderland and what was with the freeze frame that happened 10 times or so. I loved the set - six picture frames suspended from the flies - that were used with great effect. Great costumes, uneven, but ok acting. Now I guess I will have to read The Idiot (again?). Mom liked it overall, which was a pleasant surprise!

There had been tentative plans to get together after the play with a friend downtown. Unfortunately, my email to her vanished into the ether. No wonder repeated checking of my incoming mail revealed no message. To what would she have responded? Sigh. So, late at night, after trying to find the earlier message which apparently got sacrificed to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I wrote another apologizing for my apparent lack of communication. Generally, I loves technology whole bunches. Last night, grrr'd me a bit. Maybe I will get (be given) a second chance. Doubtful, but life is that way sometimes.

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