Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Small Triumphs

Yesterday was full of small triumphs.

I got the taxes mailed. I don't know why, but I often forget about the post office on the Hobart and William Smith Campus. I feel that I need to walk all the way downtown to get something mailed. But I don't. I can walk across the William Smith green and get my post officing done. Yay! I remembered it as I sat watching mom "sign" her tax returns.

I cleaned out a box yesterday - by which I mean I emptied it out and moved the contents around a bit. Some wires went into the wire box, two electronic components got moved around - not sure what to do with them yet - a box of old films got moved to my room - and I found a box with a computer component in it that could be returned to them postage free. I hope the company even still exists. At least the post office took it - with no return address. Hahahahahahahahaha!

The comfy red office chair I bought back in, hmm, when did I buy that thing - maybe 2000? - finally made it into the study. I exchanged it with the red plastic covered one from the 50s that has lived in there for years and years and years. And years. Mine has better casters and is warmer and has a higher back. Yay! Oh, and I found the stool for the piano - so now I can easily switch from playing xBox to playing the piano! Yippee even.

There might have been a fourth thing, but I can't recall it. Anyway, I watched Up again last night and didn't like it as well as I did the first time. Still good - but not great. I thought the squirrel stuff was a bigger part of the movie than it was. Hmm. Memory is a funny thing.

Mom is on a rant this morning, or is it a tirade, about how evil the new aide is. Sigh. Just going to wait it out and see who shows up on Thursday. Sad that our other aide quit - at least that is according to the new aide.

Tonight, I might be making Macaroni and Cheese with Cheetos. Only time will tell.

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