Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bibliophile vs. Book-aholic

If I had to describe myself with one of the two epithets - bibliophile or book-aholic - I would have to choose the latter. I don't love books. I don't relish the feel of a book in my hands. I don't love the tactile sensation of turning pages. I like the weight of them in piles around the house. In piles on bookshelves. Boxes stuffed with books that I know I will never read in this lifetime. Books, books everywhere, and nothing at all to read!

I don't see myself stepping into the e-book world enthusiastically or full-heartedly ever. I can see myself reading a book on an e-device, just out of convenience or cheapness. But a hard drive stuffed with books I am not going to read just isn't as satisfying as tripping over books that haven't been touched in 15 years. Sigh.

Which brings me to the package I finally received yesterday. Did anyone else know that FedEx uses the post office to deliver some of its packages? What the F is that? Does the post office get any credit for that? Not that I am aware of...Anyway, I got back from the whirlwind trip to NC to pack up/empty the house there and found that two of the six books on Alzheimer's Care Giving I had ordered were with my held mail. The others, according to Amazon had been attempted delivered on March 27 - while we were away. But the post office didn't give them to me. So I thought that FedEx still had them and would try to redeliver them. One day. Perhaps. In the not too distant future. Well, as the future slipped into the past, I still had not gotten the last four books. So I called Fed Ex. Who explained that they delivered them to the post office who was supposed to deliver them to me. After about fifteen minutes of trying to get through to the Geneva Post Office, the phone finally rang and was picked up by a computer. More time wasted until I could hit 74 (why 74?) to get to the post office. Robyn answered, I know Robin (I just don't know how she spells her name) and went to check for me. Sure enough, the books were there, on a different shelf (what?) so that was why she hadn't handed them to me when I was there over a week ago. Sigh. At least I didn't have to schlep the two minutes (by car) down there and pick them up myself. She had our mail carrier deliver them. Yippee! More books not to read! I am in book-aholic heaven!

I am actually reading one of them and will report on it when I have finished. So far, it is great!

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