Thursday, April 18, 2013

More teeny epiphanies from my world

Here's the first teeny epiphany - I was lamenting the fact that when I was marinating my hamburger meat in Worcestershire Sauce (French's, not Lee and Perrin - there is a huge price difference and they taste similar enough for government work...) that I had to put it on and then mix up the meat. I had a the great thought I could put some in the bowl before I put the meat in and then put the meat in and put more on top! Yay! Problem mostly solved!

Another - I fixed a problem I was having with my home computer - not a huge one, but annoying. I have a network here in the house. There are five others in the area that show up on my list. By mistake, one day, I clicked on one of the others. For the past many months, my computer would pick that one first and I would have to go into my wifi settings and choose my network. Well, I read about how to fix this on the internet - and the steps helped but didn't solve the problem. Finally, I just deleted both of those networks from my known list and poof, voila even, my network is being automatically picked now. Phew and hurrah!

There was a third, and maybe it will come to me.

Meanwhile, a little about other stuff (and such). I have been remembering more of my dreams lately. Not sure if it is because of the phase of the moon or my practices before bed or what - or maybe what I eat before sleep (not that I eat before sleep because that is generally thought to be less than healthiest) but those cheetos might have something to do with it... I like remembering my dreams - even partially - makes me feel like my sleeping has not been a total waste of time.

Helped David and The Smith with the sound system yesterday - drove out and back to Phelps for speakers - they love the feel of wind in their woofers - and we set up the wireless mic for the first time. How exciting.

Also went to the Boys and Girls Club and looked at the Black Box theatre. I don't know why, but black box theatres in general make me feel sad. Still, one step closer to doing a show. Speaking of which, I still haven't been "thanked" for my work on Hairspray. When was that? Middle of March? Sigh. I was hoping for that money to buy mom (and me) some birthday presents. Glarg even.

Nope, not remembering the third teeny epiphany. Maybe it will come back to me. Probably not.

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