Friday, April 5, 2013

More Bills

Where do they all come from? Goodness gracious. I would like a life without bills, please. Money sucks. And what does money really represent anyway?

That will be my distasteful task of the day! Yippee! I am looking forward to it being done with. Then I can get on with the rest of my exciting day. Playing, puttering and piano-ing. I put my electric piano - one of my best and favoritest purchases from when I was actually flush (meaning having considerable quantities of disposable income) back in the beginning of the century - in the back office, right next to my xBox. I feel I am more motivated to play/practice/learn because the piano is right there.

I took lessons a long time ago - I think for about four years - and like many a kid, was reluctant to practice. My piano teacher took it all in stride, though. I eventually learned to play a bit and memorized a few pieces of pieces. I still remember and can play (mostly) the first part of Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag. Yes, I got hooked on ragtime after watching The Sting. I could play a lot of the music that was used in that film, once upon a time. Now, I can barely struggle through the beginning of Maple Leaf. But I sense some improvement. My goal is to have a repertoire of maybe 10 pieces that I can play without recourse to sheet music. And to be better at "faking." Ok, maybe not better, since I can't do it at all just yet. But someday...

On the theatre front - I heard back from one of the many letters I put out with some good information - she just had forgotten to reply to my message. (Sadly, my thank you note hasn't found its way to her yet - her mailbox is full...) I had, though, already grabbed the bull by the horns and went directly to the horses mouth. (Hmm, weird looking animal that conjures up...) Which is what I did with the second theatre bit as well. We communicated a bit and set up an appointment to meet, only for me to find that mom's dentist and eye doctor appointments interfered with both days that had been offered. Which is ok. I am in no tearing hurry on that project.

Any suggestions on what to read next? I am about to finish the last Rachel Morgan book. Boo!


Brandon Stark said...

I assmume you read the George R R Martin "Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones" books? I just read them, would like to discuss.

Augustus said...

I have read what he has published so far. I must admit that I don't like them as much as I liked the WOT series. But I reserve all final opinions until the series is, um, finalized. :) I think my email is here somewhere - feel free to write!

Samwell Tarly said...

I must read WOT ! Will compose some questions for you via email

Augustus said...

I will look forward to hearing from you!