Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Five out - One Back

I have at least four letters out that I am hoping will produce some useful information. Oops, five. Three are about theatre in the area - how to "bid" for a theatre production at the Geneva High School and how to go about getting to do a show at the, ick, black box theatre at the local Boys and Girls Club (by the way, I just don't like black box theatres all that well - I understand that they are a necessary evil and that there are more and more of them, but I just don't like them)(I prefer theatres with wings and storage areas and fly spaces - call me whacky, I just do.) So far, one is a total non-answer - the second seems like a non-answer at this point and the third - well, I will give him a week - he has been busy not selecting me as one of the new Theatre professors here at Hobart and William Smith. Oh, did I not mention that? I applied for either of two theatre positions here at Hobart. And I wasn't even given an interview. True, I have not been an academic for the past 23 years, but I have done some theatre - and I did graduate from Hobart with a degree in theatre - and do have an advanced degree in Directing (MFA from UT Austin). And my father taught at Hobart. And my mother. Still, not a reason amongst all of those to even give me an interview. Their loss. Moving on. It looks to me like I won't get an answer from any of those three and I will just have to figure out where to go from here.

The other two were inquiries to Organizer types. I hope I can find an organizer who is a little less expensive than the one I used down in NC. Ok, considerably less expensive would be nice. I figure if I can find the right person, we take the house in little chunks and start to organize and weed out stuff. I think the linen closet would be a good place to start - especially since I am about to dump all of my linens in there as well. (One of the organizers just wrote back - we shall see what information gets communicated)

My distasteful task yesterday was moving the lumber that constituted the platform bed that I took apart out of the front hall. I put it all in the garage - another place that could do with a serious bit of organizing. Seriously, there is not a place in the whole house that couldn't stand with a bit of organization. Though the kitchen isn't as bad as it was when I first came here three - eeek - years ago. The eeek was for it being three years already. I imagine I will be here for ten. By that time I will be sixty-ish and ready for a new challenge.

And I ran errands. Bank, Library and Grocery Shopping! Yes, I capitalize them because they are all so very important and earth shattering errands. Yay!

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