Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Carousel Microwave

We have a carousel microwave in the kitchen. I use it for this and that - like "baking" potatoes and heating my mom's coffee. That is where my post starts today. It seems like most times I heat the coffee, the handle of the mug ends up turned away from the door. Which means that I have to grab the hot mug to turn it around to get to the handle, sort of defeating the purpose of the handle, n'est-ce pas? (Notice how I tossed some French in there, showing my erudition?!) Well, glarg.

Well, off to a great start of a week. Bills got paid, mostly. Then mom's aide came in. Mom was not very nice to her, so she left, understandably. I guess next time I will have to stay in the room until mom has calmed down a bit. She just likes to push people and see what she can get away with. She doesn't remember that she can be very cutting. Sigh. I guess on Thursday, I will stay with them and be a buffer until mom settles down. Double sigh.

I have my electric piano set-up now. My goal is to play/practice a little everyday. I am very, very rusty in most ways, but in others, it feels like falling off a bicycle.

Today must be errands day. Library, bank, more grocery shopping. And a shower, I definitely need a shower. I wonder what today's distasteful task will be. Maybe sort a box? I have yet to get up the nerve to start taking mom's clothes (and some of mine) to be re-used. I did just contact two de-clutters. Maybe one of them will be reasonably priced - not that the one I used in NC wasn't reasonable considering the motivational factor...we shall see.

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