Friday, April 12, 2013

Long day

It was a long day yesterday, but it worked out. It is weird, isn't it, how subjective time is. That some days are long, and some aren't. Hmm, seems like I have written about that before. Oh well.

I got up early, headed to the Smith and helped with load-in for a production of Peter and The Wolf. The company that is doing the production has been to the Smith many times before, so they knew what to expect and did a great job getting set up. Which meant that David and I didn't have to do much. Well, I did have to raise and lower a few pipes a bunch of times. Great for an upper body workout, which I definitely need. Toothpick arms aren't much of a fashion statement anymore apparently.

Eventually, I headed home for a quick mom visit - a feed and a water. She is pretty good, still, so far, at watering herself, getting herself water, that is. I did make lunch for her. And she came down stairs for it. I think she forgot that she normally doesn't come downstairs for lunch - or at least hasn't recently. When I first came back here from North Carolina in April of 2010, she came down for lunch every day. I think that stopped in the winter and didn't start up again. We shall see what happens, I guess.

Back to the Smith for more helping. David took off to do laundry and eventually came back to spell me (A-u-g-u-s-t-u-s - for those who don't know) while I went and got dinner for me and mom at Ling Ling. I came back and the group was doing a rehearsal. Little did I know that they were actually running the show! Otherwise I might have paid a bit more attention. Life is that way sometimes. David and I spent a little while neatening microphone related things in the equipment room/closet/space. I like organizing other people's stuff! Next, we need to label things! Yay labels! I know I have said it before, but I wish people had labels. Hi my name is Sue, I am 32, non-smoker, uninvolved, I  like baby lemurs. Hi my name is Jason, I am an indeterminate age, non-smoker, it's complicated and I like hockey masks. That sort of codes? Q-Scan thingies?

Eventually rehearsal ended, I got a few notes for things to do with lights (which David and I will take care of today, I hope) and I got to close up the Smith for the night. After which I headed to Red Dove for a Stout. When in doubt, have a stout - that's my motto. And a fine motto it is, if I do say so myself.

Today is more theatre work. I am concerned about dinner, but it will work itself out somehow. I hope. I am also concerned about leaving mom alone for so long. I don't know what she does by herself. At least when I am here, I check in on her off and on throughout the day. Sigh.

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