Thursday, April 11, 2013


I am vewy seepy! I don't know why. Well, yes, I do. I have only had about 6 hours of sleep. I went to bed latish after watching John Carter. And woke up early because I get to go into the Smith today and start work on Peter and the Wolf. Yippee!

Yes, I watched John Carter. I love Science Fiction. I read the Edgar Rice Burroughs books a long time ago (I think I was 8 or 9). I don't see why it did so badly at the box office. It wasn't terrible at all. The lead actress was very comely and talented. The lead guy was ok. The Tharks looked great. Caeser and Mark Antony both performed well. If you like Science Fiction movies it is worth a look.

Most of the day yesterday was spent at the Eye Center in Candandaigua. Mom has been complaining of not being able to see very well, lately. And she didn't have an awesome time at the previous eye doctor's office, so we went to see a new one. Mary Gerhart highly recommended him. Dr. Hwang. Turns out he went to Andover - about 4 years behind me. Anyway, it was a huge place. I think there are 8 doctors who work there. And the ancillary staff must number in the thousands! (Ok, maybe twenty). We went through three staff people before we were allowed to see the Doctor. Eye testing with modern machines was cool. Physical eye tests that were a lot more pleasant than the puff test and the peripheral eyesight testing cone of doom (I hate both of those machines with a fiery hot passion - so am very glad mom did not have to endure them). During these tests it became clear that mom's right eye was not being much use to her. I hadn't realized just how far gone it was. She could barely see the Big E! Eeeeek! I was afraid that her macular had degenerated or that her retina had fallen off or something terrible. Turns out that it was scarring from her cataract surgery. This apparently happens to 50% of patients who have the surgery. And the treatment - laser zapping! Which Dr. Hwang did for the right eye, right then and right there! Yay! True, mom did complain of black spots for the rest of the day and night, but those are supposed to be gone this morning. We are going back in a few weeks to get the left eye zapped. I don't think Dr. Hwang will let me use the laser, but I would like to! If I had to be in the medical field, I think I might like to do eyes! Or noses...

On the way, both ways, I took care of errands. One was totally selfish - getting my growler filled at Naked Dove - with their tasty porter. Yay. One was maintenance - getting groceries at the Wegman's over there. Which is HUGE! Three times the size of our Wegman's. I must have walked for hours crossing from one side to the other - and I didn't even go end to end!! Things were in the same sort of relative place - but not exactly, so it took me longer to buy my four or five things that it could have. Still, I will look forward to shopping there again one day.

Ok, time to head to the Smith. Stressing over the apparent lack of breaks for food - not for me, I could care less - but for being here for mom and feeding her. Glarg.


H. G. Wells said...

According to Lewis, John Carter is absolutely the greatest movie ever made. He talks about it the way kids talk about Star Wars or adults talk about The Shining or The Godfather or Breaking the Waves ... anyway I will tell him that you enjoyed it that will make his day.

Augustus said...

Well, that made my day! I am not alone! I don't think I know any of these other movies you mention... :)