Monday, April 1, 2013

Mom Memory - Horseback Riding

Mom walked down the hall and recounted a memory she had. It was from her childhood - not sure when it was. Apparently her mother was raised next door to the heir to the Colgate fortune. As such, she did a lot of things with her - like horseback riding. According to mom, her mother, being her mother, convinced a stableman (I think in Central Park - but I am not sure) to give mom a horse. Mom was not a horsewoman. So when the horse was heading towards a fence, she yanked hard on the reins to stop it from possibly jumping. Inertia is a terrible thing and sure enough mom flew over the horse's head and into the grass, luckily not being wounded. She walked the horse back to the stables - having broken a rein (the horse apparently stepped on it) and I don't think she ever rode again.

Today's distasteful task is bill paying. I pay most of our bills on the first of the month. Yippee. Huzzuh even.

When I put the bed together - the one that I brought up from NC - which I have had since 1998 when I lived in NYC for a year (on 30th and 8th Avenue)(this is just to show that I have had the bed frame for a long time) I managed to put the rails in the highest possible setting - which makes the bed a little like mount Everest to climb onto. Luckily, I have no (or little) fear of heights. Well, no more than is reasonable - like standing on a ledge looking down 30 stories might be a tad frightening. Not that I have done that. Or am planning on doing that any time soon. I think I will make tacos for dinner...

Did I mention that April 8th is my birthday? Gifts are welcome and encouraged (not that I will send any on your birthday)(just being honest)(when I am a zillionaire, I might...)

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