Monday, April 15, 2013

Not So Desperately Seeking...

It would be nice to have friends. At least one or two more decent friends. I don't need a bevy of them. Right now, it feels like I have only one friend in Geneva. And he is leaving the area in August. I have lots of acquaintances. No problem making those. And lots of people with whom I am friendly. I am, after all, fairly gregarious. But no one to hang out with once or twice a month. I am thinking of asking a bartender I know if she wants to be friends. Sounds and feels a little desperate to me, though. Problem is, I don't really have a life. And without a life it is hard to create bonds that lead to friendship. Sigh. Most people make friends at their work. Well, my mom is my work for the most part. And others I work with are transient - they come into the Smith and then go on their merry ways. Like a woman I had a crush on (sadly married so I had to stop even having a crush on her). More sighs. Moving on...

Peter and The Wolf is history! Good turnout for their second performance. The show went smoothly - no major goofs that I noticed. And strike went very quickly and smoothly. I mostly coiled microphone cable - and measured it - few of the cables were labeled as to their length. The company and their minions did most of the work of chopping down their big set piece - the tree! And they did a great job of cleaning up after themselves. All in all an easy and good experience with them at The Smith Opera House.

At home, I wimped out, again, on major cooking. I want to make a deviled egg recipe that I found - and haven't managed to accomplish yet. It has been at least a week since I first found it and thought of making it. I did toss some brownies in the oven, though. Go me. And created a dinner of left overs. Yay! I love making a dinner from leftovers. Easy and tasty. Tonight might be another such - though I do have to get some sort of leafy green. Oh, and I want to make macaroni and cheese - a good yummy one - not the kind one gets in a box. And top it with Cheetos. Not because I love Cheetos - I don't actually eat them - but it is a bit of a running joke on My's Daily Challenge. I sometimes work Cheetos into the answer for a challenge - especially when they have absolutely no reason to be there. The latest was when they asked us to use an herb or spice in a new dish and I suggested using Cheetos as a topping for macaroni and cheese. So I want to do it and post a picture and see if anyone from DC (Daily Challenge, not the Capital of the US) reads that blog post...

Eeek! We get a new home health aide today. I am all a' twitter (not the social media site) about her visit. Will she be someone that mom will get along with? I highly doubt it - so I can hopefully be pleasantly surprised!

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