Sunday, April 28, 2013

Breath Holding

I felt like I was holding my breath for all of Friday and most of Saturday. Do you ever feel like that? I tried to remind myself how to breathe - and to breathe - but that didn't help. Only the passage of time helped. Finally, at around 9 on Saturday, I exhaled. Instead of a breath of relief, it was a sigh. Oh well. Life is that way sometimes.

Mom apparently doesn't like brass - the brass section that is, so she opted to not attend the concert last night. Her loss. There were two groups - a brass "choir" (Never heard it called that before) and a classical guitar quartet (which was made up of four people - go figure). They had separate sets, though two of the guitarists helped out on a couple of the brass's pieces. Easy show, all technical things considered. David had to work at the library so I got to run it. With the sound help of a new to the Smith sound person named Terren. He was competent, helpful, polite and nice. And young. A good person to have in our bag of tricks at the Smith. We set up chairs - they brought their own music stands - and set up some microphones for the guitars. Unfortunately we didn't have boomstands - stands that have, er, booms on them - little arms that make is easier to position the mics for different instruments - we need some of those for the Smith, I think. I didn't get much guidance in the way of lighting, so I basically turned most everything on and left it. Strike/reset was easy, though I did move most of the chairs (and put them away under the stage) by myself. How long does it take to coil four mic cables? Sigh.

The show itself was pleasant - the guitar people, classical guitarists from The Eastman School - played four pieces. All were well done. The brass - students from the University of Rochester - but not necessarily music students - played five pieces - the last of which was Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd which was amusing and enjoyable. Rock on bandlets!

Meanwhile, mom at home ate some food I had put aside for her - some chicken salad and some salad salad. I think I didn't eat dinner - except for some brownies and some potato chips. I just wasn't all that hungry.

Late at night, I watched The Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds. I don't know why, but I just like him. Not like I like Natalie Portman, but still, if RR is in something, I am more inclined to watch it. The movie was great fun. I am not a DC comic fan in general and only knew a little about the Green Lantern mythos going in. I think I know more coming out. If you enjoy science-fiction, comics movies or Ryan Reynolds, this might be a movie you would enjoy. And Blake Lively, well, um, she is not too bad...suffice it to say, I might just have to watch more things with her in it. And the two of them are married! I hope it lasts!! (That's the endless romantic in me...)

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